Data Goal Formulários Offline

by Data Goal - Tecnologia pra coleta de dados



Date Goal is a data collection system that uses digital forms to record and export a database the information collected by the user.Here is the App which functions as collector for the entry of data. In it you fill in the form that was created even in offline environment. Each collection is saved in the device memory and sent later when you are connected via 3G or Wifi.Along with the data collected also send management level information, such as:  - GPS  -- Author  - DurationYour data goes to our server (cloud), which is covered by security routines and backups. There is no risk of loss or leakage of data.To create your forms, manage your collection and export the data collected, please access our web system (cloud) by your browser. To follow always closely, anywhere!Http:// go and find out what more we can do.Create your free account! - Technical info ===1. Data entry types: - Multiple Options    • Selection by priority    • Limit selected options (min / max) - Single Options    • Field to seek options - Open field    • Numeric Input Mask       - Limit or Numerian range    • Mask: CPF, ZIP Code, Telephone, Email and other    •2. Resources    • Leap Logic    • Scrambling options    • Targeting share3. Monitoring of the sample (productivity)